Bloomberg programma
Sestdiena, 30.05.2020.23:00 What'd You Miss?
00:00 Bloomberg Technology
01:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week
02:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
02:30 Coronavirus: America's Employment Bust
03:00 Best of Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East
03:30 High Flyers
04:00 High Flyers
04:30 Bloomberg Front Row
05:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week
06:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
06:30 Leadership Live with David Rubenstein
07:00 Leadership Live with David Rubenstein
07:30 Bloomberg Studio 1.0
08:00 Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East
08:30 The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations
09:00 High Flyers
09:30 High Flyers
10:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week
11:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
11:30 Coronavirus: America's Employment Bust
12:00 Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East
12:30 High Flyers
13:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week
14:00 High Flyers
14:30 Bloomberg Studio 1.0
15:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
15:30 Bloomberg Front Row
16:00 The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations
16:30 High Flyers
17:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week
18:00 High Flyers
18:30 Bloomberg Front Row
19:00 Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East
19:30 Leadership Live with David Rubenstein
20:00 The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations
20:30 Coronavirus: America's Employment Bust
21:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
21:30 High Flyers
22:00 Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East
22:30 Leadership Live with David Rubenstein
23:00 Bloomberg Front Row
23:30 High Flyers
00:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
00:30 Leadership Live with David Rubenstein
01:00 Bloomberg Daybreak: Middle East
01:30 High Flyers
02:00 Bloomberg Wall Street Week
03:00 Coronavirus: Grounded
03:30 Coronavirus: America's Employment Bust